This course is for people who need to get their business ideas heard, accepted and implemented.

Communicating your message clearly, confidently and concisely is essential for connecting to any audience, formal (to a board of directors, for a pitch, etc) or informal (ie. in a group or getting a budget approved). To do that you will learn how to quickly and efficiently create beautiful PowerPoint presentations on one hand, even if you have minimum knowledge, and engaging delivery of high-impact communication without wasting time on the other hand.

Glossophobia — also known as the fear of public speaking — affects 3 out of 4 people, according to a study conducted by the Statistic Brain Research Institute. Public speaking brings forth anxiety, nervousness, the fear of making mistakes, of being criticized, of not being interesting enough, of losing concentration and forgetting what you were meaning to say. The proposed course will reveal those elements, those tools that are fundamental to creating and delivering a public speech, fundamental to utilizing emotions in and with the public.

You will be able to analytically identify the right information and to transpose it an emotional and a compelling story, hence displaying dynamic introductions and memorable endings into your presentations.

Key benefits

Be a memorable and confident speaker:

  • Compulsory steps for preventing an unsuccessful speech;

  • The importance of the who, the what and the how;

  • The methods that will help drive your point home;

  • The importance of pathos;

  • How to utilize your emotions without warding them off;

  • The importance of nonverbal communication;

  • And, lastly, you are provided with the opportunity to practice.


Adriana Săftoiu

Specialist in the field of Public Communication and Public Relations

Adriana Săftoiu is recognized within the public sphere as one of the most experienced specialists in the field of public communication and public relations. She graduated from the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, the Romanian-Spanish department, to subsequently follow a year of specialization courses in Comparative Literature (1993). She was a journalist at Rompres and Mediafax (1993-1998), after which she was part of Prime Minister Radu Vasile’s team, becoming a Government spokesman.
From 2000 to 2007, she worked with President Traian Basescu, as the Director for Cabinet of the Minister of Transport, director of the “PD” Press Office, coordinator of the Department of PR and media relations during three electoral campaigns — the campaign for Capital City Hall in 2000 and 2004, and then the Presidential campaign of 2004.
Starting December 2004, she has been a presidential adviser, the spokesman for the President of Romania. In April 2007, she resigned and remained active within the private sector through her own PR and communication company. In 2007, she published “Vocile Puterii” (“Voices of Power”), a book unfolding the experiences of the spokesmen of post-communism Romania.
In July 2008, Adriana Săftoiu accepted the National Liberal Party’s proposal to run for the Chamber of Deputies and secured her position as the first person on the electoral list, by uninominal vote. The campaign period becomes the subject of the book “Jurnal de Campanie” (“Campaign Diaries”). In February 2012, she resigned from the Parliament — the only parliamentarian who respected their initial decision, out of the group of liberal members of parliament who publicly announced their resignations in solidarity with the protests of the University Square.
From 2012 to 2016, when she re-entered the Parliament and continuously collaborated — through her company “Strategist AS” — with various bodies supporting communication training, public speaking and crisis management.
In 2015, she published “Cronică de Cotroceni”, becoming a “bestseller” at the Bookfest International Book Fair in May 2015, among the top 5 best-selling books. “Cronică de Cotroceni” was given the prize of excellence at the Superscription Awards Gala. Since 2020, Adriana Săftoiu has been an associate professor at the West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Sciences where she teaches courses on strategic communication in the field of security.

Sorin Anagnoste

Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Business Administration in Foreign Languages

Sorin Anagnoste is a Lecturer and Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Business Administration in foreign languages (FABIZ) within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies from Bucharest (ASE). He teaches subjects related to strategy, online business models and entrepreneurship.

After graduating the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in 2008 he enrolled for a PhD under the same institution from which he successfully graduated in 2011.

Sorin has over ten years of experience in companies across different industries (FMCG, Oil&Gas, Financial Services, Consulting), in roles like Business Analyst, Finance Manager and Management Consultant.

His core competences are related to Intelligent Automation, Entrepreneruship, Strategic Management, Teaching and Training.

From 2015 to 2020 he worked for EY in the Intelligent Automation department, performing several roles: from business development activities to actual coding on RPA projects for global companies. Aside from these activities he has knowledge and practical experience with other technologies that help companies achieve end-to-end automation (ie. RPA, Chatbots, Process Mining, Data Mining, Intelligent OCR).

Sorin has worked also as an internal trainer, developing workshops and training related to presentation and excel skills. Also, his practical experience was covered on more than twenty academic articles in journals , being so the most quoted Romanian expert in the area of Intelligent Automation. Sorin is frequently invited as guest speaker to workshops and seminars.

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